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And so humanity walks, believing in utopias and imagining a parallel reality...

And so humanity walks, believing in utopias and imagining a parallel reality...


Who in this great world will have the privilege of having the full certainty of when he "rests", or rather of his "passage" to the next world, will have the fullest certainty that he will rest in peace?

I sure as hell don't!

It is counted on the fingers and it is even possible to measure, some of those, that having fulfilled their mission on this blessed Earth, in fact, they rested in peace!

One of them you know. The others, we can imagine!

For example, Paul of Tarsus! John the Baptist! John the Evangelist! Not all the Apostles. Nor are all prophets. The saints. That is to say, not all the saints canonized by the Church, but those who were in fact good in their lives and were far from these ecclesiastical judgments, although they respected the Church too much, for example: Francis of Assisi, St. Augustine, etc.

In proportion, if you put it in numbers, in the region of 0.0000001% of humanity, the rest are all normal people. That is, he was born, lived, worked, procreated, made mistakes, made a lot of mistakes and died. Obviously, of this great number, it is impossible to describe how many actually rested in peace, but one can form an idea as a whole!

For example, a politician dies, Jair Messias style, the only ones who will "be" sure that he will rest in peace, will be his illustrious wife, his children and some of his lawyers, not all, of course. There, however, will there be at least ONE MILLION victims who disappeared at the advent of the COVID19, who will cry out for justice and in no way, wherever their Jair is, they (the victims, the souls), will leave him alone, just as the souls of millions of Jews who died in the HOLOCAUST, will leave or leave the soul of "Mr. Moustache", to rest in peace, wherever he is...

When in doubt, the right thing to do in this case. That is to say, in the case of a recently deceased person before you, it is simply proclaiming from the depths of your being, "MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL, JUST AS I HOPE ONE DAY HAVE MERCY ON MINE!"

"Rest In Peace", it's for the saints!

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Membro desde Novembro de 2023


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